Meet Deuce




Deuce is a 7 1/2 year old Great Dane! He was diagnosed with suspected osteosarcoma on April 13, 2013 with confirmation on April 24th by the NC State Veterinary Health Care Complex in Raleigh, NC. His right front leg was amputated on May 1. His amputation was uneventful. Deuce was a challenge for the hospital staff because he weighed 215 pounds pre-surgery. On Friday, May 3, as they were attempting to walk him with a sling and lift, all of his weight was allowed to drop against the sling and he suffered a bladder rupture and uroabdomen, necessitating emergent surgery to repair his bladder. The second major surgery in 2 days took a lot out of him and he would not eat. After much discussion it was decided to place a NE tube for tube feeds. On the second day of tube feeds Deuce aspirated and developed pneumonia. This latest development seemed to take all the fight out of him and we were lucky to get a small tail wag when we visited. Deuce continued his decline and his heart rate became very high and irregular. A cardiology consult showed his heart was taxed by the stress of the infection and surgeries. After 2 weeks in the ICU we decided to bring Deuce home so he could live his final hours/days at home with his family.  Deuce came home with a foley catheter and a jugular catheter. I gave him IV fluids over the weekend, but they did not seem to make him feel any better. Initially, our vet was going to come to our home on Monday, May 20th. We had difficulty arranging transport to the crematory, so we rescheduled Deuce’s journey to the Rainbow Bridge for Tuesday morning.

On Monday evening, Deuce sat up on his bed and drank water. We then offered him food, which he ate! His first meal was Vienna sausages. We decided to have our vet check Deuce in the morning and see what she thought. He continued to drink water and eat over night. When she arrived Tuesday morning, our vet was amazed at what she saw! While still very weak, Deuce was interacting with us and sitting himself up. We decided to restart his antibiotics and heart medication and see what happened. Our big boy continued to improve and we took him outside on Friday, May 24…the first time he had really been up since we brought him home. He was a heavy 3 person assist, but we got him out and he rested in the front yard for a few minutes before we brought him back inside. He immediately wanted to rest on his bed and slept a few hours.

That was the real turning point for him! Each trip out (we limited him to once a day) was easier for him. Then on Thursday, May 30, he got up and took a few steps on his own! Our vet came out on Friday and removed his foley. This gave him a sense of freedom and he began moving around more. By Sunday my husband and I were able to get him out alone and by Monday afternoon he was a 1 person assist! He now regularly gets himself up and walks alone!


Deuce has had people praying for him and sending him positive energy since this journey began. Thanks so much to all the friends and strangers who have played such an important role in his recovery!

I’ve created this blog to celebrate his recovery and so that others can follow his incredible journey as he fights this beast! I also hope it will give hope to those who find themselves in the same battle.

22 thoughts on “Meet Deuce”

  1. Wow, Deuce is definitely a warrior!! What a strong, brave boy! You can add me to the list of people thinking and praying for him! I hope he continues to improve and show the world what a fighter he is!!

  2. Well, Hello there Handsome!
    You, my friend are looking really special.
    And, I have my very own special Yoga mat in my car just waiting to come to your house.

    Be well, my friend and feel better every day.


    Such a story of love, devotion and strength and hope!!

    Your friend Nixon gave us updates on you and we are just thrilled…….just goofy with joy……how this journey is turning out:-) 🙂

    Every second of living in the moment with your hero Deuce is magical and truly miraculous!!


    Please send more pictures of your beautiful boy!! Soooooo handsome! I know you are just beaming with pride and joy!!

    Stellar job!!

    Lots of love,

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  4. Yay Deuce. Way to show that you are a fighter. We are so glad you shared his story. Keep fighting Deuce.

    Michelle & Sassy

  5. From one Great Dane warrior to another – Gooooo Deuce!
    We are on a similar schedule too – Atlas amputation was April 26.
    I’m sorry you had a ruff start, but am so hoppy to hear you are in nice recovery mode now. Such a handsome boy – cant wait to see more pics!

    Patricia & Atlas

  6. What an amazing journey filled with ups and downs and strength and love. Deuce has no intention of leaving your family any time soon! Keep up the good work and please keep us posted on his journey. He is truly one Amazing Great Dane!!

  7. This made me cry.. and smile from ear to ear!!!! An amazing story.. and just loving the outcome!!! I look forward to reading all about Deuce in the future!! What a guy!!!

  8. Holy cow, Deuce takes the cake for dramatic stories! I am soooo happy you helped him fight!

    Deuce, you are a true TWD (tripawd warrior dude). We need to get you the t-shirt that says so. I can’t wait to read more about your recovery. Soon we’ll be reading about your adventures. With such strength and spirit, I expect you’ll be driving next month!


  9. Deuce you are absolutely amazing!! Strong, brave, gritty and super handsome!! What a role model you are for all the dogs fighting through this and especially the plus size kids!

  10. Welcome to Tripawds Deuce!!! I’m so proud of for fighting so hard and gaining strength each and every day….and your mommy too because she never gave up on you!

    Deuce, you had the roughest of starts after your amputation but your resilience and fight have definitely earned you the name “HERO”!

    We’ve followed your journey on Tripawds and many nights I cried reading about your struggles, but today my tears are in celebration of how far you have come and what you have had to overcome!

    Sending you lots of positive thoughts and prayers for a continued recovery!

    Love, Hugs and chocolate Labby kisses,
    Ellen and Charley xoxo (your BCD friends) 🙂

  11. We’re thinking of you today sweet Angel Deuce and sending lots of love to your pack on this one year angel-versary.

    May your spirit continue to light up the heavens for all time.


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